Friday, December 19, 2008

A complete mess!!

OK So today I am a complete mess. I have been crying for hours and am having a really really hard time! As most of you know we are moving in 2 weeks to Lehi, UT. Mike is starting with a new job in sales and its completly out of our element so we dont know what to expect. We will also be living with my parents for awhile so we can get on our feet a little. With all the stress of Christmas and moving I have been really struggling. Ashlee and I sat up last night and cried together and our sweet little bubbies Halle came and gave us some good advice. She said "Mommy your supposed to be excited to move so please dont cry mommy!!! You have me." What a blessing and a joy our kids are. Even at the tender age of 5 she knows mommy shouldn't cry so I am trying to stay positive. We will keep you all updated. Merrry Christmas Everyone!
-posted by Kim

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Time

Those of you who really know me, know that Christmas is my most favorite time of year. I am not quite sure if it was because my birthday is in December or what. Grandpa Priday was a great example to me when it came down to loving this time of year. I have found that as I am now responsible for the excitement of not only myself but my wife and kids as well it tends to be more work than I remember being a kid. I must have done something right so far because the kids had the tree and lights up a week and a half before Thanksgiving.
The things I am constantly learing about Christmas:

1. Even though I want one of these

I will be lucky if I get

2. The wife might want....
but she will have to settle for....
Not a gift I would suggest FYI.
For you men out there (and you women who would enjoy a good laugh), I strongly suggest you watch this video (click here)
3. The kids are asking for

but will be sorely disappointed when all they get is
When in all actuallity I am truely grateful to even have a job. Because one of these

keeps me from having to do this....
So as for me and my house this year, we are going to do more of this
and a lot less of

that's a picture of a bunch of escalators in a shopping mall if you can't tell. We are grateful for family and friends. And especially for the real reason we celebrate this season.